15th September 2019 | Why Did Jesus Come to Earth? [Trevor Stewart-Sweet]
Sermon Audio from 15/9/19 – ‘8 Reasons Jesus Came to Earth to Die for Mankind’ by Trevor Stewart-Sweet
6th May 2018 | Your Kingdom Come [Isaiah]
Sunday Service Audio from 6/5/18 – ‘Your Kingdom Come’ by Pastor Ian Davie DOWNLOAD FILE BELOW http://moreebaptist.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/8.5.18-Sunday-Service-Your-Kingdom-Come.mp3
30th March 2018 [Good Friday] | He Didn’t Come Down!
Good Friday Service Audio from 30/03/18 – “He Didn’t Come Down!” by Pastor Ian Davie DOWNLOAD FILE BELOW http://moreebaptist.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/30.03.18-Good-Friday-Service-He-Didnt-Come-Down.mp3
18th February 2018 | Why Did Jesus Come?
Sunday Service Audio from 18/02/18 – ‘Why Did Jesus Come?’ by Andrew Mitchell DOWNLOAD FILE BELOW http://moreebaptist.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/18.02.18-Sunday-Service-Why-Did-Jesus-Come.mp3